Sale of two historic Seattle fire stations recommended
Fri, 04/15/2011
Press Release:
With new facilities now in operation, the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) will recommend to the City Council the sale of two historic former fire stations: Fire Station 37 in West Seattle and Fire Station 38 in Ravenna Bryant.
Proceeds from the sale of the two properties – through a competitive process for fair market value – would be returned to the Fire Facilities and Emergency Response Levy Fund. The levy program includes land sale proceeds in its funding plan.
FAS has published its recommendation, and is collecting comments for 30 days. FAS will then transmit its recommendation, based on the formal evaluation called for in Council Resolution 29799 and amended by Resolution 30862, to the Council. The City Council is expected to consider the future of the buildings as early as June.
The linked fact sheet provides a summary of the property disposition process, as well as the recommendations for the sales.
Also available for download is the Preliminary Report about Fire Station 37 and the Public Involvement Plan for Fire Station 37.
Fire Station 37 moved to new quarters at 35th Ave. s.w. and s.w. Holden in October of last year, holding their Open House last December.
For more information regarding the department’s recommendation and analysis, visit