REMINDER: Celebrate Myrtle Reservoir Park dedication Saturday, April 30, 2011
Mon, 04/25/2011
Parks & Recreation press release:
Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Myrtle Reservoir Park neighborhood celebrate the dedication of a recently opened Pro Parks Levy funded park on Saturday, April 30, 2011 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Myrtle Reservoir Park is located at 6900 35th Ave. SW.
The morning is filled with music, dance, crafts and light refreshments. The Jacob
Lakatua Quartet will entertain the community by playing jazz from Cole Porter, Charlie Parker and Thelonious Monk. The band is comprised of Jacob Lakatua on saxophone, Greg Belisle-Chi on guitar, Jake Brady on drums.
At 11:30 a.m., Capoeira Malês performs and spectators will have a chance to learn some of the basic movements and sequences of this exciting Afro-Brazilian art form that incorporates martial arts, dance and music together in a fun and accessible manner.
Additionally, Associated Recreation Council (ARC) Summer Day Damp is sponsoring an arts and craft table.
The park, which was built on a recently lidded reservoir, opened to the public in late fall 2010. It includes a plaza, an open grass field for informal play, ADA accessible pathways, a new play area with picnic benches and general landscaping. Seating walls on the plaza highlight the seven hills of Seattle and orient the viewer to the highest points in Seattle.
The park is built on and around the Myrtle Reservoir operated by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU). The design incorporates recreational elements and ideas suggested by community members, Parks staff, Seattle Public Utilities, and the Seattle Design Commission.
Approved by Seattle voters in 2000, the $198.2 million Pro Parks Levy funded more than 100 projects throughout the city. Projects included improvements to athletic fields, playgrounds, trails and community centers and parks. Funding also increased green spaces, supported Zoo programs and enhanced park maintenance. This is one of the final projects for that Levy.
For more information, please contact Parks Project Manager, Virginia Hassinger at (206) 233-7936 or or visit the website at: