Private property not for public
Tue, 05/10/2011
In the Highline Times I read with interest that Burien's instant poll at a "visioning meeting" indicates that 37 percent of respondents agree strongly that access to the city's (privately owned) shorelines should be open to all residents. I guess 37 percent of respondents think public access to private property is a good idea.
In the same paper, I read that tickets for the Highline Garden Tour are available for $15 to access beautiful privately owned gardens on June 11th. I don't want to pay for that and I don't want to be limited to seeing those gardens on just one day.
At the next "visioning meeting" I would like the city of Burien to ask people if access to the beautiful (privately owned) gardens in Burien should be open to all residents. I don't have a beautiful garden. Maybe I will vote in favor of public access to private gardens.
Asking the public if they would like access to privately owned shorelines or gardens, is asking if Burien should take the property of some Burien residents and give it to the public, at no cost to the person voting "yes."
Next question for Burien residents: Baskin and Robbins has some delicious ice cream. Who would like some?
Marco Spani