Asha Sheikhismail held handmade signs that read 35MPH and works at the Neighborhood House in High Point.
5:30 pm UPDATE from the rally in the pouring rain:
Swaran Kumar lives in High Point, three blocks from 35th and Juneau.
"I'm here today because of my kids who use this road every day going to school, to the store," she said. "I'm here for my kids' safety. The cars are driving too fast. It is really hard for a pedestrian to cross here, especially at night. It is very dangerous."
Asha Sheikhismail held handmade signs that read 35MPH and works at the Neighborhood House in High Point.
"I'm here for the safety of the community," she said. "Cars are going too fast. I want police to do something so the cars can slow down. They can put a camera here. Send more police to patrol. Even thought it is 35 (mph) no one is following the rule."
Jim Curtin of Seattle Department of Transportation was present to answer questions.
"We're looking at several different options," said Curtin. "That could be in the form of a rechannelization of the street where we actually change (decrease) the number of lanes. We probably wouldn't put bike lanes on 35th unless we reduced lanes from two in each direction to one in each direction. We've been studying 35th for the last couple of years. We want to make sure not to push problems to Delridge, Fontleroy, or even nearby residential streets."
A “Traffic Slow Down” Rally hosted by High Point neighbors takes place May 11th (Wed) from 4pm to 6pm at the corner of 35th SW and Juneau.
Residents in the High Point neighborhood and along 35th Ave SW will be urging drivers to slow down and pay attention to their driving on this Wednesday during rush hour traffic.
They are tired of motor vehicle related collisions and deaths on “I-35”. They are also demanding SDOT to implement more traffic calming measures. Consider these facts:
Bicyclist killed in 2006; elderly pedestrian killed in 2007, man killed in 2008 and motorcyclist killed in 2011.
See related West Seattle Herald April 20 story:…