White Center Chamber honors Evergreen's Linda Ba
Evergreen High School senior Linda Ba is this years winner of the White Center Chamber of Commerce Merit Scholarship.
Tue, 05/10/2011
The May 10 meeting of the White Center Chamber of Commerce had a long agenda but up first was the announcement of this years W.C. Chamber Evergreen High School 2011 $500 Merit Scholarship. The winner, out of eight entries was Linda Ba.
Ba, whose community volunteerism was a major factor in her selection, plans to attend the University of Hawaii, to study food science and nutrition under the Diatetics Option. Her current plan is to come back to the mainland and attend Bastyr University to pursue her Masters Degree. Ba pointed out that her Health and Wellness teacher, Stacey Fry at Evergreen has been an inspiration to her. "When I was suffering from Anorexia she was the teacher who helped me get back on track," Ba said.
Her volunteer work includes the Yes Foundation, Union Gospel Mission, and the after school program at her church. She maintains a 3.9 GPA.
Evergreen teacher Ray Zombro said, "The merit award is for students who participate in their family, community and the school."
Ba plans to put the money into savings.
ECOSS on the environment
Stephanie Gowing and Ann Boyce from Environmental Coalition of South SeattleECOSS did a presentation on how local businesses can work with them to reduce their carbon footprint.
They have numerous resources available to help businesses improve resource efficiency, waste reduction and how to make operational improvements. Their services are free. You can reach them at 206-767-0203.
Alcohol in White Center
Chamber President Mark Ufkes reviewed a program initiated by the Chamber to
"raise the level of the discussion," about alcohol in which small posters that read "We support responsible Alcohol Sales" for area vendors would appear in the window. He noted the program has only had four signs go up thus far. The issue as outlined by Ufkes is that a certain resident population is buying alcohol (often in the form of a large 23.5 oz. canned beer product called Steel Reserve 211) for $1.49. "It's the equivalent of five beers," he said. Four businesses in particular have been a problem in White Center. One called "Center Market" on 15th s.w. has been closed for eight months. "They were the worst offenders," Ufkes said. The others that have been of concern, though he emphasized there was no proof are the old Texaco market on Roxbury, the Chevron at 100th and 16th s.w. and the Rainbow Zipmart at 107th and 16th s.w. "The challenge is that as the law allows if we identify all these products we can make it illegal to sell them. But the way the national vendors work is that wherever this has been tried, they just change the label. We're not trying to point fingers. We just want these people to be better neighbors."
Ufkes described one location, a large lot behind Yarington's Funeral Home on 16th s.w. that is overgrown, owned by the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association that is slated for mixed use housing. "If you walk back there, it's full of stuff, and some of it is bad stuff. People have been camping there, drinking there, drugs there. One of our Eagle Scout projects this Saturday (During Spring Clean), is to start clearing that lot," Ufkes said.
He touched on the need for social services too noting that, "We're trying to take a smart holistic approach," to solving the problem.
Welcome Signage
Kathi Wheeler of Noise Without Sound Design rose to speak with Ufkes about the new welcome signs being installed around the community. The signs which contain a variety of languages, each welcoming visitors to the area all have sponsors except one. Sponsorship costs $1700 but is good for ten years. The sponsor's name would appear on the sign.
A Food Guide for White Center
As a means of promoting the area, Ufkes brought up the idea of producing a printed and web based "Foods of White Center Guide" that would incorporate all the area restaurants but also list all other businesses in a simple text listing at the back.
The guide would contain capsule descriptions of each restaurant and include hours and contact information. One potential mentioned was to insert it into the West Seattle Herald and/or mail it to people in the vicinity of White Center.
"We're trying to figure out how to create more value," Ufkes said for those businesses who join the Chamber.
Spring Clean for White Center
The White Center Spring Clean event, set for Saturday May 14 was discussed and Wheeler said they have 600 volunteers who will spread out across the area to clean, fix, spruce up and otherwise improve lots, streets, sidewalks and the general appearance of the area.
A final word about the NALC food drive May 14
Rick Jump of the White Center Food Bank wanted to add a special notice. "This Saturday, wherever you are if you put food out on Saturday (the 14th) the letter carrier will pick up and take to their local post office. The food that is collected at the Westwood Village Post Office is split between Salvation Army, White Center Food Bank and West Seattle Food Bank. I want everyone to know that in spite of the fact that the official state of the economy is improving and the recession is officially over, we are SO not seeing that at the Food Bank. Every single month we set a new record for families served. Last month we served 1648 families. Please take some time to go through your pantry or pick up some items to leave with your letter carrier this Saturday."