Left to Right: Brooke Matthews & Claire Morgan, both 7, and attend Lafayette School. They participated in Fun Day Saturday at Camp Long as (older) Junior Girl Scouts from Troop 41504 involved Brownies and Daisies in activities to earn Bronze Awards.
Junior Girl Scouts of Troop 41504 were well on their way Saturday, to earning their Bronze Award by participating in a service project, the last requirement for completion.
They hosted a Fun Day at Camp Long for younger Girl Scouts. One Daisy Troop and three Brownie Troops joined in the fun. The focus of the Fun Day is on Hiking and First Aid which is the focus of their Bronze Award, said Patricia Hahler, the leader of Troop 41504. "We will have different stations for the younger Girl Scouts to participate in - Hiking, First Aid, Games and Sensory, and Improv. All of these stations are led by the Girl Scouts in our Troop."
Those at the Fun Day on their way to medal are Penny Dierich, Corinne Manley, Jane Miller, Regan Nagle, Haley Pyscher, Hana Kurahara Sisk, and Kaitlin Morgan who is Hahler's daughter. Kaitlin was one of last year's Hi-Yu's two Junior Court Princesses.
Hahler explained that In Girl Scouts, there are three awards to earn. As Junior Girl Scouts, the girls earn the Bronze Award. As Cadette Girl Scouts, the girls earn a Silver. And as Senior Girl Scouts, the girls earn the Gold Award.