To the Editor:
I applaud MSNBC journalists, contributors and other media sources who have given a serious conversation to educate and present a universal awareness about the Russian involvement in our election and the Russian connection with some of the players in the White House.
Americans need to speak to the deception and lies coming out of the White House.
Donald Trump’s attack on the NFL players was simply a hypocritical projection of his own lack of loyalty and patriotism.
Our American flag and our U.S. Constitution loses much of its meaning in the sense of Trump’s racist and divisive agenda.
Trump could care less about Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and their catastrophic earthquake, or black athletes or anyone of color. Trump is ignorant. White is a color.
For over 300 years, Americans have always risen to our right to protest. To address the injustices that have not improved Social dialogue and no action is not improvement.
It is an injustice to Americans , our flag and Constitution for Donald Trump to put so much energy into insulting Kim Jung Un. Just think! If that energy was converted into a diplomatic solution?
Des Moines