To the editor:
In your September 29, column you had the very correct answer to the National Anthem/Black Athlete protest: eliminate the Anthem from sporting events. How sensible. I've felt this way for a very long time. As far as a "tradition", I think that's relatively recently. But It's not like you have this large group of American citizens joining in, singing the words (actually knowing the words is probably more correct) in a great group sing. I feel that we should just "retire" the Anthem. It was written by a southern slaveholder of the worst kind. There's a good reason the 3rd stanza is not sung. He enshrines chasing down runaway slaves into our National Anthem. Hmmm. I personally don't have a problem with the football player protest but I think there are better ways, better "platforms" for them to go about it. But I'm NOT going to judge their motives but getting away from the Anthem at games and such is a good solution. Good call, Ken!
Richard B. Ellenberger,
Normandy Park,