Free healthy home check-ups for Seattle residents
Thu, 10/12/2017
Information from the American Lung Association in Washington
Is the Air You’re Breathing Safe?
When you think of October, chances are you associate this month with fall, football, ghosts and goblins. What’s spooky is thinking about what you breathe in each and every day. October is also National Indoor Air Quality Month – a month to encourage us all to look at the quality of the air in our homes and make changes to improve the air we breathe.
On average, we take 21,600 breaths every day and spend about 80% of our time indoors. According to the EPA, the indoor levels of air pollutants can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. A variety of harmful pollutants including molds, mildews, carbon monoxide, radon, formaldehyde, asbestos, lead, secondhand smoke, allergens, and chemicals all mix together in our homes to create polluted air. This toxic soup of pollutants in the air can lead to an increase in asthma rates, asthmatic attacks and exacerbations of other lung diseases like COPD.
It’s not all doom and gloom – there are simple behavioral changes you can make like taking off your shoes at the door, vacuuming regularly, and opening up your windows that can improve your indoor air quality – AND there’s a trusted organization available to help.
The American Lung Association in Washington’s Master Home Environmentalist (MHE) program offers free Healthy Home Check-ups for Seattle residents. During these home check-ups, experienced staff conduct a thorough assessment of your home’s air quality and make recommendations for how you can improve your air quality. All residents located in the City of Seattle are eligible for a Healthy Home Check-up at no cost. This check-up is beneficial for everyone in Seattle, but particularly for households with an asthmatic child or other household member living with lung disease.
To sign up for a Healthy Home Check-up or learn more about the program, visit: