To the editor:
Every time I consider dropping my subscription, you come up with an edition like the 12'ths.
Your editorial on shopping locally was right on the mark. My daughter lives in Winthrop/Twisp and they have research on the value of shopping locally. Of course it's an hour to Omak and 2 to Wenachee. So way to go!
The article on White Center glass hit close to home also. They put new wheels on a patio door for me last summer. Excellent and careful work and really nice people. I believe in small local businesses. Right now I have a chair being worked on by Burien Upholstery
Jean Godden"s article Was so sad! My wife and were both White Center kids, but I went to the "U" and she worked downtown. We ate and/or drank in most of those places. We rode the bus to the Husky games for many years from the Benbow. In the 70's, my son worked at Skipper's Galley. Every time I go into Big 5, I think of Billy Brown's little spots shop and of course "Pop" Brown.
What "THEY" have done to West Seattle, they are now doing to White Center and Highland park and I'm not sure that it's progress, but I'm
One last thing, the baker at the Fauntleroy Bakery worked at Fredricks at one time and still makes their applesauce donuts on Fridays. But don't tell anyone because parking is bad enough now..Yeh Right!
Still miss Cashman
Anyway, Keep trying to keep the paper alive.
Bob Leadbetter
W.S. 52