information from Highline Public Schools
Some Highline schools are getting recognized for healthier eating and fitness. Four Highline schools earned awards in the HealthierUS Schools Challenge, three gold and one silver. The three schools receiving gold improved from a silver rating in the previous challenge. Highline is currently the only district in Washington with any sites awarded gold status.
“This is a team effort between Nutrition Services, Physical Education and each school. We’re working as a team and as a whole system to put student health and wellbeing first,” Lisa Johnson, director of Nutrition Services, said.
The HealthierUS School Challenge is a voluntary certification recognizing schools that have created healthier school environments through promotion of nutrition and physical activity. Awards are renewed every five years after a submission process.
Highline schools and their rating level are:
· Beverly Park Elementary School (silver)
· Madrona Elementary School (gold)
· Southern Heights Elementary School (gold)
· White Center Heights Elementary School (gold)
The HealthierUS School Challenge nationally recognizes schools for:
· Serving school lunches that reflect the Dietary Guidelines for Americans;
· Restricting the availability of foods and beverages at school to those meeting healthier guidelines for lower fat, sugars and sodium;
· Offering nutrition education for students on making healthy choices; and
· Providing physical education and opportunities for students to be physically active during the school day
The application process is lengthy. Highline plans to submit more schools by early March. It typically takes around eight months to get through the process.