The Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG), EarthCorps Sound Stewards, Puget Soundkeeper and Port of Seattle are collaborating to commemorate Earth Day by hosting a site-cleanup for the annual Duwamish Alive event on Saturday, April 21 from 9:30 am-2 pm at T-107 in West Seattle. Duwamish Alive is a habitat cleanup and restoration effort that takes place on many sites located on Seattle’s only river, the Duwamish. T-107 is located at 4700 West Marginal Way SW, Seattle 98106. It spreads over 8 acres, including 2,250 linear feet of shoreline and 1,400 feet of pedestrian path. It is home to a wildlife habitat restoration and is the former home to a village inhabited by members of the Duwamish tribe.
The schedule of speakers to open the event are as follows:
9:45 am James Rasmussen, Director of DRCC/TAG, to speak on stewardship
9:50 am Blake Whitewold Shelafoe, Duwamish Tribal Member, to offer a welcome from the Duwamish Tribe
9:55 am Ryan Calkins, Port Commissioner, to speak on emission reductions, the 2016 Air Emissions Initiative and working with affected communities
10:00 am Steve Metruck, Port Executive Director, to speak on near-Port projects and the Port’s engagement of a newly funded equity position
10:10 am Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, to speak on the importance of environmental stewardship in communities most affected by environmental and social justice issues
10:25 am James Rasmussen, closing words
Duwamish Alive is in its 13th year and provides an opportunity for neighbors (local as well as citywide) to care for and learn about the river and its history. The Duwamish has long been affected by toxic pollution and has been identified by EPA as a hazardous "Superfund" site in need of cleanup. The river flows through South Seattle, where low-income residents and tribal and immigrant fishermen are exposed to the health risks inherent in the Superfund. EPA issued a cleanup order for the river (called a Record of Decision, or ROD) at the end of 2014. Since that time, preparations have been made to convene a caucus-style group called the Round Table, at which specific plans will be agreed upon to carry out the ROD.
Parking will be available at the bus depot located at 4500 West Marginal Way SW.