Memorial Day was observed at Forest Lawn and Dignity Memorial in High Point before a group of approximately 75 people, all there to honor American men and women who gave their lives in service to the nation.
After the presentation of the colors by Boy Scout Troop 284, David Bailey gave the Invocation reminding those attending that it was not enough to just remember but to carry on the traditions those who died cared so much about.
American Legion Post 160 Commander Kieth Hughes rose to speak movingly about the origins of Memorial Day, noting that this was the 150th celebration of the day. He quoted from the Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln and pointed out that the address itself delivered in 1863, was a memorial observance to honor those who died in the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War.
The scouts then placed a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier and White Dove Release, let the doves fly out, and circle the area.