Early Design Guidance meeting July 19 for seven story apartment in heart of the Junction; New home for Husky Deli | Westside Seattle
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Early Design Guidance meeting July 19 for seven story apartment in heart of the Junction; New home for Husky Deli
Early Design Guidance meeting July 19 for seven story apartment in heart of the Junction; New home for Husky Deli
Sleepers in Seattle is seeking a new location in the general area; Bikram Yoga is still uncertain
An early "massing scheme" for the new project shows just a general stance for the building and does not show any upper floor setbacks, design details or how parking would work in the structure. Jack Miller, owner of Husky Deli has said that he intends the project to be sensitive to the West Seattle community and be in character with the neighborhood.
Thu, 06/28/2018
The future home of Husky Deli will be a seven story, 82 apartment building at 4741 California Ave SW. The Early Design Guidance Review meeting has been set for the West Seattle Senior Center on July 19 at 6:30pm.
Parking for 45 cars is in the plan. Sleepers in Seattle the sleeper sofa and recliner store on the site is looking to relocate in the general area. Bikram Yoga, also on the site is at this point still uncertain about what they might do, though they have a large loyal following.
The early design, labled a 50 percent draft, from architects Ankrom Moisan, (downloadable here) offers some Project Goals:
The design team recognizes and appreciates the historic retail building patterns along California Avenue. In order to create an uninterrupted one story massing to match the height of the existing buildings at street level, the residential portion of the building has been setback 10’. The proposed design compliments the scale of the historic storefronts, while providing amenity space and open terrace to overlook the street activity below.
The intersection of California and Edmunds is one of the gateways to the commercial core of West Seattle. While the project site is not directly on the corner it will be the
First tall building on the west side of the street. The intent is to create an attractive building massing as viewed from the South and North approach along California, and engaging pedestrian presence at the street level.
Most of the new Mixed-use Multi-Family projects in the neighborhood are designed with the retail as an empty shell for a future undetermined tenant. This project is unusual in that the primary retail tenant, Jack Miller of Husky Deli, is the building owner and involved in every detail of planning and design. Husky Deli has been serving West Seattle since 1932. The building and retail has been designed with the goal of serving the community well into the next century.
Sleepers in Seattle and Bikram Yoga will have to move since the existing building will be torn down but the design and review and permitting process could take up to a year to complete.