Which sign design do you prefer to represent the nearly 83 different businesses that are on Delridge Way SW? Take the one question survey to get your opinion out there.
There are ~83 store-front small businesses along Delridge Way SW that are operated by a diverse group of owners who provide the neighborhood access to vital goods and services. Despite their numbers and longstanding presence in the area, thousands unknowingly pass by Delridge business destinations unaware of the wonderful goods and services they offer.
Today—with your vote—you can change that! By completing a simple survey, you can select which of two discretionary signs will represent Delridge’s businesses centers and help bring awareness to businesses located within each business “node” – at Andover, Brandon, and Sylvan. Things are moving quickly, and your response is requested this weekend!
DNDA’s goal to install community-reflective street infrastructure follows directly from the recently published North Delridge Action Plan, and this work is supported by the Seattle Office of Economic Development Only in Seattle 2018 grant. The signs are being designed by Gina Coffman, an independent consultant with over 10 years of experience as a Transportation Planner with the City of Seattle and Toole Design Group. Your vote will help decide which 18” by 24” discretionary sign is used at all 3 business nodes.
The work to install discretionary signs is not just about adding destination markers at local streets; it’s about cementing a tangible “Delridge” identity and shaping physical infrastructure that actively represents and supports our community. The survey only takes a minute to complete, and your participation will go a long way in guiding these needed improvements. Thank you for your time!
Well....for what it is worth I preferred the right hand sign, but I admit I am clueless as to what either graphic is referring to? Should that graphic be making me think of something particular? Hope this works well for Delridge!!!!!