The number one concern people surveyed on the West Seattle peninsula mention is transportation. As population density increases, the roads get rebuilt and traffic seems to only get worse, it's clear that transportation is motivating people to get involved.
The October West Seattle Transportation Coalition will talk about Rapid Ride, light rail, and a lot more.
The meeting at 6:30pm is open to the public.
6400 Sylvan Way SW, Seattle, Washington 98126
Here's the Agenda
6:30pm – Call to order; Welcome & Introductions
6:35pm – Approve previous meeting minutes (September)
6:40pm – Introduce Metro Transit Guest -- Graydon Newman, Seattle Service Planning Lead, and
West Seattle resident.
General questions we’ll address:
- Rapid Ride – misalignment of next bus timing vs. bus arrival; RR H stop spacing; etc.
- public/private partnerships and shuttle buses – competition w/ Metro? Shuttles to Water Taxi, neighborhoods, Seahawks
- evaluation processes
- light rail integration
- What programs is Metro continuing (e.g., Trailhead Direct), what is it expanding, what programs is it piloting (e.g., pilot programs on many first mile-last mile solutions, such as Ride 2 in West Seattle).
7:45:pm – After-Public Meeting Board Business
- Treasurer report: Non-Profit Status: Donations? -- Larry
- Board Officer recruitment
- WSTC letter to ST re: ST3 EIS scoping – MTJ, Marty & Deb, sent 10-22-19
- November Public meeting moved to Nov. 21, to avoid conflict w/ Thanksgiving
- Thank you notes to September guests – Larry
- David Groves Calif. Ave. business trolley run notes
- Neighborhood traffic improvement reports
- Tentative Upcoming Topics –Ride Share bike & car systems updte, Port of Seattle T-5 development;
8:15 pm – New Business:
8:30pm – Adjourn