Herbold: West Seattle ST3 Draft EIS options update
Herbold: West Seattle ST3 Draft EIS options update
Sat, 01/25/2020
Last week Sound Transit released updated additions for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, scheduled for early 2021. The alternatives section of the project webpage says:
“Recent additions to this map include connection from the Yancy/Andover alternative to an Avalon underground station and connection from the elevated Avalon Station with a shorter tunnel to the Alaska Junction. These updates respond to the Sound Transit Board’s request in recent Board Motions to explore cost savings opportunities as well as ensure the Yancy/Andover alternative connects to previously-identified DEIS alternatives.”
New elements in Delridge include a second version of the “Yancy Street” option, in blue, with an alternative that would be at-grade with a retained cut.
In the Alaska Junction, the Preferred Alternative (the pink elevated line), Sound Transit is examining two station options, one at Fauntleroy Way SW, and a second south of SW Alaska Street between 41st and 42nd. The guideway location along Fauntleroy is slightly different for the two alternatives.
Two new additions in the East Junction neighborhood include tunnel portals near 37th or 38th Avenue SW, leading to a tunnel station at 41st Avenue SW. The line would be either elevated or at-grade leading into a tunnel.
These additional alternatives would have impacts to residents and businesses, so I want to ensure the community is aware.
After the Draft EIS is published, there will be a public comment period, and the Board will confirm or modify preferred alternatives.