HPAC will host a Special Online Meeting with the Seattle Department of Transportation with a presentation and discussion about the Highland Park/South Delridge/Riverview Traffic Survey Results.
Thursday, Aug 13, 2020
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Via Virtual Meeting: The meeting is open to all, but due to our 100 person Zoom capacity we will prioritize attendees from Highland Park, South Delridge, Riverview and Roxhill.
About The Neighborhood Prioritization Process
The survey was to enable neighborhoods to prioritize which projects felt, as a community, would best address the impacts of the High-Bridge closure. The survey included lists of potential projects that were generated from ideas SDOT received from community, along with some of their own ideas, and projects from existing transportation and neighborhood plans. While a much larger mix of projects remain on SDOT’s radar, they recognize the need for immediate action. Therefore, the lists included projects that can be completed quickly and cost less than $100,000.
Please visit www.seattle.gov/reconnectwestseattle for more information and to access all materials in multiple languages or by email westseattlebridge@seattle.gov or by calling 206-400-7511.
See also HPAC’s response and concerns to the process