Claiborne Bell inside his main freezer, now being replaced after it failed during our record hot days. The company has rebranded as Distinguished Foods Kitchen and he is seeking more people with a food prep dream.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
There's hot and then there's cool.
Claiborne Bell is definitely the latter. His company USI Commercial Kitchen at 4611 36th SW, that was featured in Westside Seattle a year ago, saw seven of his tenants, most of those catering based, have to shut down due to the pandemic. Then just as the pandemic was about to end his main freezer, where he stored the product of his own company Seattle Sorbets, failed during the highest temperatures in Seattle's history. Sadder still is that he was out of town and could do nothing about it. "We ended up with nothing but soup," he said.
But that has not stopped him. He didn't panic. He's getting a brand new freezer and if anything he'll be even more chill, so to speak.
USI Commercial Kitchen was one of the first commercial kitchens in the Seattle area starting over 25 years ago out of the need for commercial kitchen space for small food manufacturers.
Bell and his parents have operated the company through all the ups and downs and as of recently he took full control of the operation.
Now the kitchen rental company is rebranding as Distinguished Foods Kitchen Rental.
"We have 7 companies renting space right now and we have space for more, we usually hover around 15-16 tenants but we have been up to 21 tenants in the past. It was really sad to see so many companies close this past year because of the pandemic. They worked hard, had great food, had a great plan, and then the pandemic happened and it put them out of business so fast. Help came but it was too late for some of the companies."
This is the perfect commercial kitchen for food trucks, food carts, bakeries, caterers, even what are called Ghost Restaurants (an operation that is delivery only). If you are interested in learning more contact Claiborne at 206-935-0432 or by visiting his Contact Us page.