Hydro-blasting is complete; preparing work platforms
Last week, crews completed the hydro-blasting work. This created access points for the work platforms to hang from and openings in the bridge deck to access the inside of the bridge.
We’ve also been working to attach rigging that will hold the work platforms in place underneath the bridge. These components consist of 10- to 14-foot long metal cables that are being fed through the holes in the bridge deck. Next, we’ll install stairs and scaffolding inside the bridge.
Hydro-demo holes in the bridge deck surface, which crews are using to attach rigging cables to hang work platforms.
Once hoisted into place, work platforms will be secured using metal cable rigging, like that shown above.
In the coming weeks, we’ll begin core drilling on the inside of the bridge at Pier 16, where we’ll install post-tensioning cables to reinforce the strength of the bridge’s concrete. We’ll also be relocating utility lines at this location to make room for the additional post-tensioning cables.
We’re continuing to build the work platforms, which we expect to hoist up to the underside of the bridge in January. These platforms create a workspace to complete epoxy injections and carbon-fiber wrapping on the outside of the bridge.
Work platform assembly begins with the placement of metal beams.
The metal beams are fastened together to create the base for the work platforms.
Heads up that there may be limited weekend traffic impacts on SW Manning St and E Klickitat Ave while we raise the work platform on the east side of the bridge – stay tuned for more details about timing in future updates.