Menashe Jewelers hit by attempted smash in robbers
Menashe Jewelers hit by attempted smash in robbers
A stolen truck was used to smash in the front of Menashe Jewelers in the West Seattle Junction. It's unclear if the suspects got any merchandise. But the owners said they would be open in any case, asking that people use the alley entry.
Photo by Kersti Elisabeth Muul
Sat, 12/24/2022
Menashe Jewelers in the West Seattle Junction was hit by a smash in robbery attempt in the early morning hours of Dec. 24.
They are located at 4532 California Ave SW,
Josh Menashe, partner and son of Jack Menashe said, "We got them on security footage and the police are reviewing it right now. It was a stolen truck and they backed into the front of the store something like 15 times."
It's unclear if anything was actually stolen since they still have have to conduct an inventory now.
"We will battle back," said Josh.
Amazingly enough, the store will be open today, but customers are asked to use the alley door. They close at 4pm.
Police survey the damage done. Photo by Apryl Battin
A TV cameraman captures some footage of the smashed in front of Menashe Jewelers. Photo by Kersti Elisabeth Muul