Cyclists for a climate focus transportation plan ride to Earth Day event at Jimi Hendrix Park in South Seattle. 9 mile ride one way.
What: Group Bicycle ride to Earth Day event to push for a climate focused Seattle Transportation Plan and Levy.
Why: The transportation plan will reduce the rate of progress for carbon emissions reduction. It is a long 20 year plan that will affect the future of mobility in Seattle for many decades.
Goal: To reduce the levy budget dedicated to high maintenance transportation infrastructure. Use savings from the largest piece of the budget, (maintenance costs) to invest in a lower maintenance transportation future.
Where: Meet at the Chelan St. bike crossing, Chelan St. and Spokane St. NW corner. 3501 W Marginal Way.
When: April 20th at 12:45 pm for a 1:00 start
How: Even with the lower bridge being closed we will ride to the 1st Ave. Bridge with a safety by numbers route plan 9 miles to Jimi Hendrix Park, 2400 S Massachusetts St. Suggest using the free West Seattle Water Taxi from Colman Dock Ferry terminal.
Contact: Stu Hennessey