Seatttle City Councilmember Rob Saka issued a statement regarding the shooting that took place in West Seattle in the early morning hours of Saturday June 22.
"I am shocked, dismayed and frustrated over the shooting death on Alki’s Harbor Avenue SW early this morning. I offer my condolences to the victim’s family.
This is the second one in my District since 15-year-old Mobarack Adam was killed and our larger community also lost another young person recently at Garfield High.
I visited the crime scene this morning and spoke directly with responding officers and firefighters to offer my support and expressed appreciation for their work. I also personally spoke with one of the residents who got their window shot at.
I have been in touch with two Seattle Deputy Mayors to express my frustration and request collaboration.
My office and I have been in close touch with community leaders in Alki who have called for aggressive public safety and traffic measures as the Alki area is one of the top local destinations for visitors and tourists, as my pics show this beautiful place. But it has also become a prime destination for bad actors and behaviors that threaten the safety of the community.
This incident could have ended with more lost lives and has left the community broken and in fear.
I am committed to working with our partners in taking bold action to address this serious public safety concern affecting Alki, and moreover our entire city!"