New MetroFlex on-demand transit service officially launches in South Park and Delridge
Flanked by officials from the Seattle Department of Transportation, King County Metro, Councilmember Rob Saka and area youth, Mayor Bruce Harrell spoke at a press conference to introduce the new MetroFlex on-demand mobility service to the Delridge and South Park neighborhoods.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
Sat, 07/27/2024
Seattle officials and community leaders gathered on Saturday to celebrate the launch of MetroFlex, a new on-demand transit service connecting the South Park and Delridge neighborhoods. The service, which began operations last week, aims to improve access to transportation in historically underserved areas.

Funded through the Seattle Transit Measure approved by voters in 2020, MetroFlex offers flexible, affordable transit options to residents. Francesca Stefan, Senior Deputy Director at Seattle Department of Transportation, emphasized the service's potential impact: "Now you can access [community events] with this on-demand service for the cost of just a bus ride."

Mayor Bruce Harrell highlighted the equity focus of the initiative, stating, "We are planning for your future. We need to make that very clear. So the launch of MetroFlex service represents our collective effort to create a more accessible, equitable and connected city."

City Councilmember Rob Saka, who represents the district, called the service "a huge win" for the Delridge and South Park communities. He noted the importance of late-night and weekend service for transit-dependent residents.

Michelle Allison, General Manager of King County Metro, described MetroFlex as "a genuine shift in transit in mobility itself." She explained that the service was tailored based on community input, saying, "We've tailored this service with the voices of community members asking us to provide connections that matter to them."

Ruby Montes De Oca, a youth ambassador from Cultivate South Park, provided a community perspective: "Thanks to your support, we are turning things around and South Park is starting to shine." She expressed hope that with continued support, South Park could become "a food oasis, a health oasis, and a transit oasis."
The MetroFlex service allows users to book rides through a smartphone app, providing real-time updates and tracking. It is designed to complement existing bus routes and connect riders to the broader King County Metro network. Officials emphasized that the service is priced the same as a regular bus fare, ensuring affordability for residents.

You can call on the phone for service or the the app which has provisions for special needs.
- Youth
- 18 or under
- ORCA LIFT Cardholder Reduced fare for income qualified riders
- RREP Cardholder- Disability
- Disability or medicare
- RRFP Cardholder- Senior
- Ages 65+
- Hearing Impaired
- PCA/Service Animal Permitted
- Vision Impaired
- PCA/Service Animal Permitted
- Mobility Impaired
- PCA/Service Animal Permitted
- Cognitive impaired
- PCA/Service Animal Permitted
As the city continues to address transportation equity issues, MetroFlex represents an innovative approach to serving communities with unique transit needs. The two-year pilot program will be closely monitored to assess its effectiveness in improving mobility and access for residents of South Park and Delridge.
You can learn more by visiting King County Metro Flex