HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYLARK. Pictured is Zach Davidson, formerly of Vendetta Red and Sisters Siren, to perform solo June 3 at the Skylark for their 5th anniversary.
To celebrate Skylark West Seattle's fifth anniversary popular Seattle musician Zach Davidson of Vendetta and Sirens Sister will perform Friday, June 3, 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. $5 cover.
"We opened June 2, 2006," said club owner Jessie Russo, an Alaska Junction resident who is at the club "pretty much every day". Those who attended the recent Taste of West Seattle may have spotted Skylark bartender Roger Kelley mixing Bloody Mary's. He's been with the Skylark from the beginning.
"We're pretty serious about live music," Russo said. "It's not just thrown together. We offer live music six nights a week, sometimes three bands a night. We started charging a cover in January this year. It had always been free, and was kind of our experiment to get people in the door, while trying to be the pioneer live music venue in West Seattle. People did come to West Seattle and didn't have a problem with the location, so we started charging a cover and getting the bands more money, and generally get better shows now, too. Typically admission is $5. Our burlesque shows are $7.
"We started doing hand formed burgers when it seemed that Zippy's may be going out of business," she said. "They moved to the new location, which is cool. Our burgers are definitely the most popular item on the menu. We also offer Shoofly Pies for dessert.
"Vendetta was a pretty big band in late 90's and early 2000s in Seattle and had a major label, so Seattle fans pretty excited to hear Zach Davidson," she said.
Skylark, 3803 Delridge Way SW. (206) 935-2111. www.skylarkcafe.com