The cast of the Divine Marigolds (in part and from left) Josh Truax, Lisa Coronado, Paul Eenhoorn, Teru McDonald, Lorraine Montez, Simon Hamlin, Alder Sherwood. The show can be seen June 3 in a special screening.
The locally based and produced television show the Divine Marigold is still shopping their pilot episode but you have a chance to see it yourself at a special screening on Friday, June 3 from 8:00 to 10:00 pm.
The screening starts at 7:00 pm.
The show was profiled in the West Seattle Herald last November.
As described by writer/producer/actress Lisa Coronado, "The Divine Marigolds is an off kilter family comedy about a large Irish family living in West Seattle. All the adult children have moved back home, resulting in hilarious yet deeply affecting moments as they all learn to live under the same roof again.
The Pilot episode finds the eldest daughter, Cora Marigold, dropping in on the family at dinner time after a long absence. Old feuds, forgotten love, questionable art, a Twilight obsession and a kooky priest combine to make this family truly Divine and unforgettable."
The episode will be shown at the Northwest Film Forum 1515 12th Ave in Seattle. It is sponsored by STIFF (Seattle True Independent Film Festival) and The Divine Marigolds and is FREE.
You can become a fan of the show via their Facebook page The Divine Margigolds and learn more about the show online here.
After the screening, STIFF is having an Opening Night Party at 8PM at the Northwest Film Forum, so if you would like to stay for this party you can purchase tickets. Free with STIFF badge or NWFF membership.
Otherwise, buy your tickets here:
Here is the info for the Party:
Opening Night Party at NWFF on June 3rd! The Opening Night Party is the perfect way to kick of this year's festival, which runs from June 3rd until June 12th! Come party with filmmakers and STIFF fans!
Here is their facebook event page: