Mike Doyle of the 'Cheap Side Review Flea Market' shows a visitor what he's got on display during the June 9 artwalk in West Seattle. This was the fourth time he and other artists had banded together to show their work at Easy Street Records. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE
Three collections of work among the many caught our attention during the June 9 edition of the West Seattle Artwalk. The "Cheap Side Review Flea Market" was a collection of art work and collectible items out for the fourth time only in the Artwalk, at Easy Street Records. Mike Doyle said, "Stephanie Dorman had this idea and everyone just got on board. We have five artists now and next month we'll have six. The collection is arts, crafts and vintage housewares." You can look for them next month too.
Michelle Prater had 19 of her somewhat mysterious paintings on display at Coffee to a Tea with Sugar. Up close the shapes and colors tend to blend and deceive the eye but at a little distance new shapes and themes emerge. Her favorite thing about her art is that "It's messy. I get paint all over me, the floor, the canvas, and sometimes th cats. They get excited and run across the paintings."
She draws inspiration from her environment, rather than any artists. Flowers, trees, buildings, cars, people. She uses a variety of paints including one called Duochrome that is iridescent and one that is more transparent for some paintings.
"I painted to work through emotional trauma," she said,"I was in a horrible car accident last year but I'm not able to go back to work yet. My painting has really grown since then." She said that her painting has been, "The most therapeutic thing I've ever done." You can learn more about her painting on her website at www.mischastree.net
Classically trained artist Jonathan Arras was showing his watercolor and acrylic ink art in front of Shoofly Pie. "I've been doing this to relax and about a year ago somebody said, 'Why don't you ever show your fun stuff?' It's not all fun but it's sort of an essential part of how I view the world artistically.," he said. This is his first time showing his work in West Seattle. You can learn more about him through his website www.spiralsinlove.com and his artwork ranges in size from 8x10 to 24x38 inch sizes.