Beach access Opening Celebration at Jack Block Park set for Fri. June 24
Jack Block Park, as seen from the air, is a 13 acre site, once a creosote wood treating plant, that was cleaned up by the EPA. The beach had a sand and gravel cap put over it and will be opened for the first time in a ceremony, June 24.
Sun, 06/19/2011
The Port of Seattle is holding a very special celebration Friday, June 24 to open the beach at Jack Block Park.
The event, set to take place from 5:00pm - 7:30 pm will feature a ribbon cutting and native canoe launch at 6:00 pm plus a Salmon BBQ and hosted beer, wine. It is not open to the public. It is meant as a thank you to the organizers and those who helped get the beach and park prepared. It is by invitation only.
Jack Block Park is located on the Pacific Sound Resources Superfund Site, a former creosote wood treating facility that operated from the turn of the century.
During its course of operation, until listed on the EPA National Priorities List, the wood treating facility released hazardous contaminants into the soil, intertidal and deeper marine area.
The Port of Seattle purchased the upland portion of the site as part of the redevelopment and expansion of the Terminal 5 cargo-handling facility and implemented cleanup actions for the uplands under EPA oversight.
EPA later placed a protective sand/gravel cap in 58 acres of the marine area that also created the intertidal beach. The Port developed the park as a community benefit and today, the park encompasses 13 acres of landscaping, viewpoints, pedestrian and bicycle paths and shoreline access.
The EPA recently has determined the shoreline area suitable for public access.
On Saturday and Sunday June 25, and 26 the park is one of three sites that will host the first Northwest Paddling Festival, featuring vendors, speakers, on shore and in water instruction, and a paddling challenge race at 12:30 Saturday.