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Our thanks to Kara & Greg Whittaker, owners, Alki Kayak Tours, for their help.
The Duwamish Waterway Park was a family affair Saturday afternoon with cultural dance and music featured on two stages, a dunk tank, boat rides, and tacos and hot dogs served.
According to event emcee Paulina Lopez, a South Park resident, 600 hot dogs and 500 tamales were eaten.
"This is the most awesome fest in the city," said B.J. Cummings, an advisor with the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition on policy issues, and a fundraiser. "There is no place in the world I'd rather be than on the banks of the Duwamish River.
She added with tongue in cheek, "My heart is in the river. Well, my heart is in the river, but kind of in the mud at the bottom. And until that mud is cleaned up my heart is going to be trapped down there."
"We will get it cleaner but we have a long road to go to get it clean, unfortunately," Mayor Mike McGinn told the West Seattle Herald. "Even if we clean out what's in the river, the pollution that still comes into the river from surrounding areas as well as from up river means that we'll have to keep working."
Referring to the Duwamish River being identified as a Superfund Site, involving four parties most responsible to fund the cleanup, the City, County, Port, and Boeing, he said, "The four parties are working together, and we'll be figuring out who else will have to help with it (...) It's important that we're looking holistically at the river and the system and trying to make sure we're spending our money wisely so that our first investment gives us the biggest impact. But again, I have to emphasize that even if you clean up what's in the river you have to change the practices of all the sources of the river if you really want to keep it clean."
This morning at 9:00 a.m. the event activities began at Seacrest Park on Alki with walkers, bikers, and paddlers.
Michael Lewis is event coordinator for the Walk, Bike, Paddle Festival Fundraiser, and a graphic designer. His wife, Mandy assisted. The walk was 6 miles, bike route, 10, and they met up with paddlers at the Duwamish Waterway Park."
Five members of the First Aid Station Fast Team of the Seattle Chapter of the Red Coast were dispatched to keep the participants safe.
Dusty Doty, 17, of Westwood, went on the kayak tour with his mother, Patty, and their friends in from Montrose, Colorado.
"I always wanted to paddle the Duwamish and never have," said Patty. "I thought the park where we are going would be fun to explore. I don't know too much about the Duwamish River but you don't want to be dumping your kayak into it."
"It's a great sunny day in the City of Seattle," said Alki Kayak owner Greg Whittaker. "Ive got 14 paddlers plus (more) people with their own kayaks."
He prepped his group, "The Duwamish River has been cut off through industrial development which was really important to our economy here, but we are trying to reclaim it through new parks like the T-107 park by Kellogg Island which you will be paddling past."
Kate Ayers of Highland Park teaches 5th grade at Concord Elementary School in South Park and was kayaking today.
"We are teaching the kids about environmental and social justice and taking an active stance on cleaning up the Duwamish," she said.
Press release from event organizers:
Duwamish River Festival 2011
6th Annual Duwamish River Festival
When: Saturday August 27, 2011, 12:00 pm.-6:00 pm.
Where: Duwamish Waterway Park, 7900 10th Ave. S in South Park
South Park, the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition (DRCC/TAG) and its partner organizations invite you to the 6th Annual Celebration of the Duwamish River and its Communities - Bring the whole family and enjoy the fun!
We are greatly honored that Jaime Méndez, from UNIVISION, will be our master of ceremonies this year. During the festival you will be able to enjoy a FREE lunch, FREE kayaking and boat rides, an eclectic mix of LIVE music, youth stage, interactive booths, art fair, kids’ activities and many more family activities. We will also have a raffle with amazing prices!
Don’t miss the FREE Duwamish River Festival – And Come Catch the Culture of South Park!
For more information call (206) 453-9803 or visit
This year we encourage you to get to the festival in Seattle style – Join the Walk / Bike / Paddle fundraiser!
- Walk (Seacrest Park - 1660 Harbor Ave. SW) (9 am), Bike (Duwamish Waterway Park – 7900 10th Ave. S) (9 am), or Paddle (Alki Kayak Tours - 1660 Harbor Ave. SW) (9 am)
- Sign up and pay for the Walk, Bike, Paddle at