Highland Park Wading Pool Conversion meeting will review design concepts Aug. 23
Tue, 08/09/2011
A public meeting sponsored by Seattle Parks and Recreation is scheduled at Highland Park on Tuesday August 23, 2011 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. to educate the public about the new spraypark coming to Highland Park. Parks solicited feedback in May during a public meeting which 35 people attended to review options for spray features and design ideas presented by the design consultant, SiteWorkshop.
The Parks and Green Spaces Levy funds the conversion of the current wading pool into a new spraypark for the southwest community.
The Levy originally allocated $200,000 for this project. Through the community initiated Opportunity Fund process the project received an additional funding from the Levy inflation fund.
This will allow for full water re-circulating systems which will provide better play experience and water conservation.
The park is located at 1100 s.w. Cloverdale Street in Highland Park.
The total budget for the work is $635,000 which includes planning, design and construction.
Construction is set to begin this fall with completion in early spring 2012.
For more information please visit