After a budget meeting held on Mercer Island on Thursday morning, Oct. 27, King County decided to delay their vote on a funding request for the DESC Delridge Supportive Housing Project, according to Patrick Baer with the Delridge Community Forum. To read the most recent Herald coverage on the project, please click here.
“This time will be used to address community concerns about the fitness of the North Delridge neighborhood,” Baer said.
He said six North Delridge residents attended the Mercer Island meeting and expressed their concerns about the project.
A decision from King County is expected on Nov. 17, Baer said.
On Oct. 24 Washington State approved $500,000 in funding for the project in their 2011 Funding Round report.
In a recent press release the Delridge Communty Forum provided a list of contacts at the state, county and city level for anyone who wishes to comment:
Email the City, County and State Funding Decision Makers
Email your thoughts (support, concerns, etc.) to the following people. Neighbors can send one email to all three representatives at the same time. Note that email content becomes public record.
Washington State
Janet Masella, Department of Commerce
City of Seattle
Rick Hooper, Director, Office of Housing
King County
Cheryl Markham, Program Manager, Housing and Community Development
John DeChadenedes*
Coordinator of King County Funding
Delridge Community Forum**
Note: Cheryl Markham and Rick Hooper attended the recent neighborhood meeting on this topic.
*John DeChadenedes works under Cheryl Markham and asked to be copied on neighbors’ emails so he can be aware of our feedback. He works closely with the City and the State as well. John relayed that the funders want to hear from neighbors and community input is encouraged.
**Delridge Community Forum would like to be copied on neighbors’ emails as a means to track the community’s dialogue on this topic.
More info regarding the DESC proposal: