One fire crew remained on the scene of a West Seattle townhouse chimney fire around 9 a.m. on Nov. 9. The fire broke out around 2:30 a.m. near Chief Sealth High School.
Update for 2 p.m., Nov. 9
The townhouse fire on the 8400 block of 26th Ave S.W. was ruled accidental, starting in a chimney with a fire that "had grown out of control," according to Seattle Fire.
No one was injured and investigators estimate $60,000 in damages.
When fire engines arrived shortly after 2:30 a.m. the fire had spread into the wood structuring of two townhouses and flames were shooting out of the roof. Firefighters were able to put the blaze out within 20 minutes, according to SFD.
Residents were able to escape unharmed and Red Cross responded to find temporary emergency housing.
Original post
Fire crews rushed to put out a chimney fire around 2:30 a.m. on Nov. 9 at a townhouse near Chief Sealth High School.
While the official word from Seattle Fire on the cause and extent of damage is not expected until around noon today, no injuries were reported.
One fire crew was still on the scene at 9 a.m. this morning, using a chainsaw to cut the remaining chimney structure down.
The townhouse complex is located near the intersection of S.W. Thistle and 26th Ave S.W.
More details will be added later in the day.