Seattle Seahawks cornerback Kennard Cox (at far left with a fan for a photo) paid a visit to Roxhill Elementary School for Family Fitness Night Nov. 15. The event, sponsored by Communities in Schools, the Seattle Seahawks, and Subway Restaurants featured free and healthy food choices and guided exercises for kids to promote healthy eating and physical fitness. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE
Roxhill Family Fitness Night on Tuesday, Nov. 15, saw approximately 400 people including parents, kids, teachers and others show up to meet Seattle Seahawks Cornerback Kennard Cox and Seagals Andrea and Carli at Roxhill Elementary School
The event featured free food, including apples, oranges, veggie chips, and several varieties of Subway Sandwiches all pre-made. People crowded into the auditorium/lunchroom and had to chance to meet Cox and the Seagals and get autographs on posters and take photos with the special guests.
But the focus of the event was on health and fitness. According to the Centers for Disease Control 68 percent of adults are overweight or obese. In the past 30 years, the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled among adolescents age 12-19. The sponsor organizations teamed up to provide "health programming" for schools and reached more than 2200 students last year.
This event is one of three planned with the next two coming up in the next few months elsewhere in Seattle.
After eating half the group headed to the gym where various 'exercise stations' were set up so the kids could jump rope, do pushups, climb on the climbing wall, and otherwise get a mini-workout. Parents, teachers and volunteers from non-profit City Year were on hand to guide those who needed it.
For his part Cox said, "It's just giving back. When I was a kid I enjoyed the NFL. I grew up in Miami and I met a lot of players. I met Dan Marino and Coach Shula. It made a great impression on me. So this is outstanding. I can't describe it. The kids faces, their smiles, the words from the families. I can't explain it."
Prinicipal Carmela Dellino said, "This is really exciting for our kids. It gives us an opportunity to celebrate healthy eating and healthy living."
Dellino also pointed out that Office Max was on hand with volunteers helping keep things organized.