With no uniforms or program it was impossible to identify the players but the annual Turkey Bowl game was played at the Southwest Athletic Conference this year for the first time in 7 years by former Sealth, West Seattle and Evergreen High School players. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE
More than 75 men honored a long tradition of playing football on Thanksgiving Day in a game that is far more than just a pick-up game. The Pacific Highway Renegades and The West, two teams comprised of former players from Sealth High School, West Seattle High School, Evergreen High School and a few alums from WSU and elsewhere came to the Southwest Athletic complex on Thistle Street. This game, which for the past 7 years has been played elsewhere had men in their 20's who just love the game show up despite the 40 degree temperature and what became a very chilling rain with wind from the south.
The game was organized via Facebook by Ike 'Realdealholyfield' Leiataua who said that the Renegades play every weekend out at Tyee High School near SeaTac to stay in shape.
Before the game began, all the players gathered in a group huddle, took a knee and were led in prayer.
With that many players, to make it fair and stay warm every three or four plays, players would shuttle in and out of the game and shout encouragement or taunts from the sidelines.
Tali Talakai the organizer of The West said, "We're trying to put as much structure to it as possible. With Ike's team they've got both offense and defense."
This is a game with informal yardage markers, no officials, but with 11 players to a side and no arguments.