Upcoming opportunities to learn about and discuss homeless housing project in Delridge
Wed, 11/30/2011
The next two Thursdays (Dec. 1 and Dec. 8) hold opportunity for Delridge residents to learn more about, provide feedback and help guide the future of DESC’s Delridge Supportive Housing project.
DESC plans to build a 75-unit apartment complex at 5434-5444 Delridge Ave S.W. that provides “supportive services for homeless men and women living with serious mental/addictive illnesses or other disabling conditions,” with a projected finish date about two years away.
The project has been met with a wide range of voices. Those opposed have questioned the Delridge neighborhood’s suitability for a homeless housing facility and expressed fears of safety. Others have countered that the project should be welcomed, and said fears over safety are blown out of proportion.
DESC recently received approval on funding for the project around $500,000 from both King County and the state with the City of Seattle awarding $4.5 million.
Holli Margell, the North Delridge Neighborhood Council outreach chair, shares the specifics on the upcoming meetings:
The North Delridge Neighborhood Council encourages all neighbors to participate in the Design Review process for the DESC proposed development at 5444 Delridge Way SW. Beginning with a Design Review 101 meeting this Thursday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center Room 111 (4408 Delridge Way SW), neighbors can learn about the process from a Land Use Supervisor with the City of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development, who will facilitate a Q&A session followed by a breakout session.
When: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Where: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Room #111
4408 Delridge Way SW
The following week, Thursday, December 8, at 6:30 p.m. at Youngstown, the Southwest Design Review Board will convene an Early Design Guidance meeting to review preliminary design proposals. Attendees will hear from the developer, a city project manager, and the public. If you want to provide input, please review the project proposal, fill-out the comment form provided at Delridge Community Forum’s Design Review page (scroll down the page) where you can also review additional information about the development, and then email it to Michael Dorcy at the City of Seattle at michael.dorcy@seattle.gov.
*The design review comment form is attached at the top of the story as well.
What: Early Design Guidance Meeting
When: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 6:30 pm
Where: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Theater,4408 Delridge Way SW
Public Comment: Only 25 minutes are allotted for public comment during the meeting. Citizens may also email or mail in written comments.
In addition, Margell shared NCNC’s plan to take an active role in the design-review process for DESC’s plan:
A new Executive Council has taken positions for the North Delridge Neighborhood Council. Nine neighbors have filled every position on the Council, this being the first year for the new Council-Committee format to be filled. They have held an Executive meeting and voted to take an active role regarding the DESC project slated for 5444 Delridge Way SW. Moving forward, the North Delridge Neighborhood Council’s role will be to inform neighbors on the process, how and when to engage in effective participation.
For more information, please contact: Holli Margell (206) 310-5667 or email contact@ndnc.org
An informational packet for the Early Design Guidance meeting on Dec. 8 can be found here.
More information about the Design Review process is also available on the Delridge Community Forum website.