Stu Hennesey of Alki Bike and Board and Dave Weitzel of Weitzel Construction were busy putting up wreaths on the light poles in the Admiral District on Sunday Dec. 4. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE
With the recent formation of a new Admiral District business association the merchants at the northern end of the West Seattle peninsula announced their intention to band together and promote their neighborhood.
As the West Seattle Herald reported last week, that effort isn't waiting, especially since the holiday season means shoppers. Getting people to shop local means reminding them of the importance of a healthy local business district and making sure storefronts, sidewalks and fixtures look their best.
The light poles that line California Ave. s.w. in the Admiral business area were given a bit of holiday happiness on Sunday Dec. 4 as more than 30 wreaths were in the process of being put up.
The wreaths, all acquired by Wendy at Linda's Flowers and Gifts, will hang throughout the season and hang from both sides of the pole. The poles will also be wrapped in ribbon.
Christmas lights, at least this year are the responsibility of each individual merchant but it's likely that next year a group effort will be made. This according to Alki Bike and Board owner Stu Hennesey.
"Holiday hours are up to the individual merchant but you could visit the Admiral District Facebook page (a full website is being built), and go from there. I think everybody is open a lot of hours until the 24th, till we all collapse," Hennesey said laughing.