North Highline annexation boundary review meeting set for Jan. 9th and 10th
Fri, 01/06/2012
When: Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. and Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. (if needed)
Where: Cascade Middle School, 11212 10th Ave S.W.
Why: The annexation proposal next goes before Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County, which will conduct a public hearing before determining whether to accept the proposal, modify the boundaries, or reject it.
Additional details from the City of Burien
The Burien City Council has moved forward a proposal to annex the unincorporated remainder of North Highline, which includes White Center, Top Hat, Beverly Park, Glendale, and portions of Boulevard Park, Riverton Heights and Shorewood. Burien annexed the southern section of North Highline in 2010.
At its Oct. 3 meeting, the Council approved an "intent to annex" resolution that sets in motion the formal annexation process. The annexation proposal next goes before Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County, which will conduct a public hearing before determining whether to accept the proposal, modify the boundaries, or reject it. The hearing has been set for Jan . 9 and if necessary, Jan. 10, 7 p.m., at Cascade Middle School, 11212 10th Ave. SW.
If approved by the Boundary Review Board, voters in the proposed annexation area would decide whether to become part of the City of Burien. A ballot measure could take place as early as summer of 2012. Current Burien residents would not vote in the election. If approved, the annexation could take effect in early 2013.
If the annexation occurred, it would increase the population of Burien by about 17,300, adding 6,586 households and 3.2 square miles to the City.
A report by a consulting firm hired by the City stated that annexing the remaining North Highline area would be financially feasible, and even provide additional resources to the City above the costs of annexation, since Burien would receive up to $5 million a year for 10 years in the form of a state sales tax credit designed to assist eligible cities in annexation.