Kendra McLeod and David Rosen with their cat Timber. They describe her as 'well balanced' and aware of her limits. She's also affectionate, energetic and playful.
Timber, an admittedly male name, is nevertheless the name of the female cat that obviously owns David Rosen and Kendra McLeod. Rosen, a contributing photographer for the West Seattle Herald also works in his own business SlickPix Photography which he can operate from the couple's home. That means he spends a lot of time with Timber, a medium brown haired tabby. The couple got Timber, who is 18 months old, from the Seattle Humane Society.
Rosen explained that the agency was holding a Christmas event, "where you could take home a cat anywhere over the age of 1 year for free and kittens were $50," so they elected to get a kitten. All the animals were spayed or neutered.
McLeod said they spent more than three hours however looking at all the choices before settling on Timber. "I made the final decision on picking her out," said Rosen, "When I came across Timber the first thing I noticed was the long hair out of her ears."
If you are a cat fancier you know that they, just like many other animals, have unique personalities.
"She's a very affectionate, loving cat and she loves everyone who comes into the room," said Rosen, "and she's crazy," added McLeod.
"You will get moments in time when you will walk in and she will go sideways and hunch up," said McLeod. "She's crazy in that she is very energetic," explained Rosen.
Timber knows her limits however. The couple live in an apartment and Timber will climb out on a tree that hangs near the balcony but not go up the tree. "That's her favorite thing to do during the summer."
Her name comes from the 'howl' she made when she was younger that seemed to Rosen to resemble the call of a howling Timber Wolf. "Her name was originally 'China' but we didn't like the name so we changed it," said Rosen.
Timber has toys and enjoys them (as well as catnip) but really likes eating bugs, notably spiders.
"There was a spider on the ceiling and I knocked it down but she pounced on it immediately and ate it," said Rosen.
How to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week:
Want to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week? Stop by the VCA West Seattle Animal Hospital at 5261 California Ave. S.W. and just ask for a form. A nomination is not a guarantee of appearance and your name and photo may appear in our newspaper and online.
Photos may or may not be used and our "Pet Reporter" may be in touch with you to arrange to take a photo. Pets nominated will be chosen on the basis of uniqueness of the pet and the quality of the story and information submitted.