Delyn Kosbab Hoptuit and her Catahoula Leopard Dog, Korbin. These are hunting dogs, often found in the South, but Korbin does not swim.
Delyn Kosbab Hoptuit got her dog Korbin as part of the reach that her love of animals includes. She runs Kitty Harbor a rescue, rehab, and adoption facility for cats and kittens on Harbor Avenue (open only during adoption season from June to December) but in 2005 she was working to help find homes for pets left behind by military personnel heading to Iraq.
"They were preparing to euthanize him and I and Diane VanDusen from PURRR Rescue took about 750 cats and dogs from Fort Lewis from 2002 through 2006, and we found homes for all of them. He was one of those dogs, and they said he was obnoxious." Korbin is an unusual breed, a Catahoula Leopard Dog. He's not a pure bred Catahoula according to Hoptuit, he's got some Australian Shepherd DNA too.
This site states "Catahoula Leopards are extremely agile and athletic, territorial, protective of "their property". They are more primitive psychologically than most breeds and need consistent obedience reinforcement. The owner must understand the Alpha concept and stay in control at all times, but still be loving to the dog. Very loyal, loving, intelligent and independent... they really think for themselves."
Hoptuit confirms this and said that it took many months of obedience training to get Korbin to follow commands.
Korbin enjoys his Purina Chicken and Rice but does not get many treats. He's got a full complement of toys though, "He didn't know how to play with them when I got him," Hoptuit said.
The beach, and clam digging and camping are on the top of Korbin's list of great things to do with the family but despite his love of the beach he does not swim.
"He's an incredible watch dog," said Hoptuit.
His Shepherd tendencies come out when he's around multiple cats because he tries to herd them. If you've ever tried that yourself you know it takes special abilities."He will make them take rights and lefts but they don't think it's funny, but they get along with him just fine."
The name Korbin sounded similar to his original name "Puddin" so they wanted to give him a name he would find similar but make it different.
Korbin lives with Delyn and her husband Russ.
How to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week:
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