The bidding for donated items was competitive and fun at the 11th Annual WestSide Baby Tea on Sunday Feb. 12. Host and auctioneer Ian Lindsay was a busy man on stage managing the action. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE.
More than 500 people were part of the 11th Annual WestSide Baby Benefit Tea on Feb 12, helping to raise more than $172,000 to fund the charitable agency. That number is a new record said Executive Director Nancy Woodland. "It's a huge record since last year we raised just over $100,000 at the event. It was amazing. It was fantastic. The energy in the room and the generosity of spirit in that group was humbling just beyond belief. We had about 100 more people there."
The event was held at the Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center for the first time this year and those attending had the opportunity to bid on a diverse array of items donated for the cause. WestSide Baby collects new and previously owned items for children and babies and distributes them free of charge to families in need through partnerships with other agencies and organizations.
Speaking at the event was author, entrepreneur and philanthropic leader Kathy LeMay who is the founder and President of Raising Change an organization that helps groups raise capital to advance social change agendas. LeMay spoke about how people as individuals can make a difference, "doing what you can with what you have where you are. I've been doing social change and social justice work since I was 14 years old. It's the only thing I've ever done and I've worked all over the globe working with regular people at a grass roots level and we're changing the way the world works." LeMay, author of The Generosity Plan: Sharing Your Time, Treasure and Talent to Shape the World, said she feels the desire to give back and help others is part of all of us. "I've never met anyone who said, 'You know I'm good. I don't feel the need to make a difference in anyone's life. I don't want to give back.' And my job is just to help people unleash what they have to offer. What I do is help people access the unique gifts and talents they have to give by not comparing themselves to celebrities or billionaires or thinking, 'I only have $25 to give. What difference is that going to make when Warren Buffet just gave a billion?' You can't play small in this. You just have to step up and do your part, and watch what can happen when every single person steps up and does their capacity. That's when social change is going to shift." LeMay is a motivator for social change and respects social media but is more committed to personal commitment. "A revolution means you show up in person every day."
Host and auctioneer Ian Lindsay was a busy man on stage, calling out numbers and managing the bids.
Every year WestSide Baby serves more than 18,000 local children from birth to size 12. They recycle over $1.39 million in goods. They provide more than $115,000 in diapers and the fill more than 4300 clothing bags.
They partner with more than 90 local social agencies that already assist low income families to distribute collected items including:
- White Center Food Bank
- Seattle-King County Public Health
- Neighborhood House Helpline
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Child Care Resources
- Highline Head Start