No more nighttime Fauntleroy Expressway closures
Wed, 02/22/2012
press release:
The contractor working for the Seattle Department of Transportation on the Fauntleroy Expressway, the raised roadway at the west end of the West Seattle Bridge, completed nighttime work on Tuesday, February 22. No further closures of the raised roadway are expected for this project.
The contractor has been strengthening the structure to make it more likely to withstand the force of a major earthquake. Upgrades to the structure have included strengthening the columns with steel jackets, strengthening the pile caps, adding additional longitudinal restrainers and replacing the bearing pads. The latter work item is what required the nighttime closures.
The work remaining consists primarily of the installation, grouting and painting of the steel jackets around the columns. Short-term lane restrictions will continue for both east and westbound traffic on surface Southwest Spokane Street for this work. The project is expected to be completed by this spring.
Work also continues on widening the Spokane Street Viaduct at the eastern end of the West Seattle Bridge. Closures and detours on these two construction projects underway at the same time, one on each end of the West Seattle Bridge, have been challenging for drivers. Completion of the closures on the Fauntleroy Expressway makes it easier for drivers to get through the corridor.