Three free events at the Duwamish Longhouse this weekend
Thu, 03/01/2012
press release:
Three free events at the Duwamish Longhouse this weekend.
Duwamish Longhouse 3rd Anniversary Open House
March 3, 11am – 3pm
Celebrate the building of the first longhouse in Seattle in 110 years, the home of Chief Seattle's Duwamish people; programming includes admission to Peter Boome: Salish Connections, screening of "Princess Angeline" at 1 p.m. and more.
March 3, 6pm - 8pm
Native Oral, Visual & Digital Storytelling for Social Justice. Program/Reception, Keeping the Earth Power Coming, Native oral, visual and digital storytelling for Social Justice, hosted by he Inclusion and Justice Committee of Antioch University's PhD in Leadership and Change Program. Includes stories by local Duwamish youth about the Duwamish River. 4705 W. Marginal Way S.W., Seattle, WA 98106
March 4, 2pm - 3pm
Native American Flute. Paul “Cheoketen” Wagner introduces his new album, reception includes performance of selections from "Time of Paradise."
Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center
4705 W. Marginal Way S.W.
Seattle, WA 98106
(206) 431-1582