Update on SW Spokane pathway between 60th SW and 61st SW
Sat, 03/10/2012
press release:
Last month the Seattle Department of Transportation’s Roadway Structures crew began constructing a new paved path and staircase at 61st Street SW. This will connect the lower staircase, built last year, to the top of the slope at 60th Street SW. The stairway has been closed since mid February while this work is underway.
The crews have been working diligently with the goal of reopening the staircase by the beginning of April. They have just completed the second concrete pour out of the four needed for this project and have the railing almost ready to put in up to the alley. They also completed a retaining wall needed to prevent ground erosion. They expect to have the staircase opened to the alley by the end of the day on Monday, March 12th. They are scheduled to pour more concrete next week and to make the last pour during the week of the 19th, weather permitting. Some landscape work, sidewalk and drain work at the top of the stairway will be completed after the sidewalk is reopened.
For further information, please contact SDOT Roadway Structure Manager at 206-684-8325.
Comments on bike or pedestrian issues (such as bike runnels) may be directed to SDOT’s Bike and Walk information line, (206) 684-7583, or send e-mail to walkandbike@seattle.gov .