REMINDER: GiveBIG on May 2nd, The Seattle Foundation's opportunity to help local non-profits
The Seattle Foundation GiveBIG online fundraiser runs today and includes organizations you can help located in West Seattle, White Center, plus other non-profits that help citizens in our readership area.
Wed, 04/25/2012
Local non-profits are the highlight of the day on May 2 as The Seattle Foundation holds their annual GiveBIG online charity event.
Just about every non-profit imaginable is linked with The Seattle Foundation for the event. Please visit their non-profit search page to find your favorite and stretch those donation dollars.
Here are the details from their website:
The Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG is a one-day, online charitable giving event to inspire people to give generously to nonprofit organizations who make our region a healthier and more vital place to live.
Each donation made to the more than 1,300 nonprofit organizations profiled on The Seattle Foundation's website between midnight and midnight (Pacific Time) on May 2, 2012, will receive a pro-rated portion of the matching funds (or "stretch") pool. The amount of the "stretch" depends on the size of the stretch pool and how much is raised in total donations on GiveBIG day. For example, if a nonprofit organization receives 3 percent of the total donations during GiveBIG, then it will receive 3 percent of the stretch pool.
Ann Kendall with the White Center Food Bank shares details on how they will make giving easier by setting up charity laptop stations at area businesses. Proletariat Pizza is chipping in on top of the event, donating five percent of their evening sales to the food bank. Here is more from Kendall:
Mark those calendars - May 2 is Give Big with the Seattle Foundation and White Center Food Bank has set up several ways to make giving easier - and tastier. Give Big is a one day, online charitable giving event when your donation will be stretched by the Seattle Foundation. This year we will have board members and volunteers at several sites in the morning with laptops to make donating easier if you're stopping for coffee on the way to work, and in the evening Proletariat Pizza will help you "dine out for hunger" by donating a portion of sales for the evening. Here is how Give Big works:
•All donations must be made on May 2 between 12:01 am and midnight via the Seattle Foundation's website - this can be done from your home, one of our laptop stations or via mobile. Bookmark the site now:
•WCFB Board members will be at Dubsea Coffee (9910 - 8th Ave SW), Cafe Delia (9622 - 16th Ave SW) and Cafe Rozella (9434 Delridge) in the morning between 7 and 10 am with laptops to make donating easier.
•Proletariat Pizza (9622 - 16th Ave SW) will be donating 5% of sales to White Center Food Bank during the evening business hours. We will also have board members and a laptop on hand there if you'd like to make an extra donation in addition to your pizza purchase.
•Note: we are listed as the White Center Emergency Food Association on the Seattle Foundation's website. Only donations on May 2 count for the "stretch" dollars.
•If any other restaurants would like to join in Dine Out for Hunger, please contact Ann Kendall at or call 206-713-0031.
The Mission of the White Center Food Bank is to minimize hunger, while nourishing community, nurturing self-reliance and embracing our rich cultural diversity. In 2011, White Center Food Bank served 66,682 individuals providing over 1 million pounds of food to our community; volunteers contributed over 17,000 hours to our mission.
For more information on the White Center Food Bank:
Today, thousands of children suffering from the effects of abuse and neglect are eligible for our services. Treehouse makes a difference in their lives by helping with school, fulfilling key material needs and paying for extras that are, for most kids, just a regular part of growing up.
The donations we receive today will go directly to change the lives of foster children across the state. The Seattle Foundation will match a share of your gift to Treehouse until midnight tonight.
To all of our supporters, our deepest thanks for your help in giving foster kids a childhood and a future.
GiveBIG now!
Janis Avery, CEO
P.S. Part of every dollar given will be matched by The Seattle Foundation and generous sponsors. Give now.
Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition
The Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/TAG works to ensure that the Duwamish River Superfund cleanup not only restores environmental health and protects fishers and families who use the river, but also reflects the priorities, values and will of the people who live and work in the region. DRCC/TAG’s programs include guided river tours, educational forums, habitat-restoration events, river festivals, youth programs, and neighborhood activities designed to link people to the river.