Nickelsville homeless camp to celebrate one year anniversary in West Seattle on May 13
Fri, 05/11/2012
Press release
Join us for shared memories and good times
Festivities begin this Sunday, May 13th at noon
Nickelsville is located at
7116 W. Marginal Way SW, SEATTLE
between 2nd Ave SW and Highland Park Way SW
This Sunday, the 13th of May, marks the one year anniversary of Nickelsville at its current site.
On Friday the 13th last year we set out on a secret mission - "The Black Cat Caravan." Over 20 vehicles and 120 Nickelodeons and supporters left old Firestation #39 in Lake City City, supposedly to talk to Seattle City Hall politicians. But we'd already concluded they weren't ready to help, and kept on going toward The Duwamish, back to our first site where Nickelsville started in September of 2008. Slowly but surely,things have been getting better for Nickelsville ever since.
One year without moving, one year of building small simple sturdy sleeping structures and creating a self-managed Eco-Village. One year of growing together as a community as well as a year of getting to know our neighbors. One year of struggle for economic justice and environmental stability. One year of setting down roots without having to tear them up and move as we have done so often in the past.
The struggle isn't over, by any means. The City of Seattle still will not recognize our existence, and we therefore lack either police protection or on site utilities. We never know what the next day holds. But an encampment of our size, staying for one year in one place in Seattle, hasn't happened since the Great Depression. Some of us would certainly be dead without it, so Thank You Mayor McGinn.
We would like to invite you down to camp to share in our memories and plans this Sunday at Noon. The success of Nickelsville would have been an even harder fight without friends and allies such as yourself, and it would be impossible to celebrate it without your presence.
Another wonderful reason to come down is the double wedding being held onsite for two couples, residents of Nickelsville who have also shared the trials and joys of this great year. Thelema Johnson and Charlie Smith are being wed alongside with Josh Smith and Barbie Houseman. The Christian Crusaders motorcyclists will preside over the ceremony.
Here's looking forward to another great year with our supporters and allies. May the memories be as amazing as this year.
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