UPDATE: Seattle Schools Superintendent Jose Banda will visit West Seattle
Jose Banda, finalist for the job of Seattle Schools Superintendent will visit Arbor Heights Elementary School on Thursday May, 17 for a tour.
Tue, 05/15/2012
UPDATE: 7:00 am May 17
A quartet of string students in the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra in the Schools program will be playing to welcome Mr. Banda to Arbor Heights when he visits today. Banda was approved for the job of Superintendent of Public Schools on Wednesday evening in a unanimous vote.
His three-year contract has an annual base salary of $270,000, which makes Banda the highest paid superintendent in Washington State.
Original Post
Seattle School Board Superintendent finalist Jose Banda will visit Arbor Heights Elementary at 3701 S.W. 104th St on Thursday May 17 for a school tour from 10-10:45 a.m.
The tour will include Principal Christy Collins and other school district officials, of what is widely acknowledged to be the school in the worst condition in the district. The tour will include two classroom visits.
To see the employment contract Banda is being offered check this link
Here's Mr. Banda's bio:
José L. Banda, Superintendent, Anaheim City School District
Mr. Banda has spent the past four years as Superintendent of the 20,000-student Anaheim City School District. During this time, the District saw increased student achievement for all students, including English Language Learners. In addition, the District narrowed the achievement gap and 19 of 24 schools met their school-wide Academic Performance Index (API).
Under Mr. Banda’s direction, the District created a focused approach to instruction, assessment and interventions, while at the same time maintained fiscal solvency during one of the worst economic crises in the state’s history. Mr. Banda also developed strong relationships with the business community, city government and service organizations, as evidenced by an innovative math partnership with the MIND Institute and the successful passage of a $170 million construction bond in 2010.
Mr. Banda spent 13 years as a secondary administrator, including eight years as a high school principal before becoming the Superintendent of the Planada School District from 2002-2005. Before Anaheim, Mr. Banda was the Deputy Superintendent at Oceanside Unified School District. He has also served as a high school counselor, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and board member for Salida Union School District. He brings over 30 years of experience in the field of education.
Mr. Banda is fluent in Spanish and holds a Bachelor of Arts from California State University in Bakersfield and a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Chapman University.