Join Seattle Parks for the Hershey Track and Field Games’ 35th Birthday at West Seattle Stadium on May 29
Fri, 05/18/2012
press release
On May 29, Seattle Parks and Recreation will host the Hershey Track and Field Games’ 35th birthday with a track meet and party at 5 p.m. at West Seattle Stadium. 4432 35th Ave. SW.
Kids ages 9 to 14 can compete in either two track and one field event, or in two field and one track event. Events include 50-, 100-, 200-, and 400-meter dashes, 4 x 100 meter relay, standing long jump and softball throw. The meet lasts until about 7:30 p.m., and family fun events will take place during the meet.
The age 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 first place winners will compete at the State Meet on June 30 at Mt. Tahoma High School in Tacoma. State Meet first place winners will have the chance to compete for the Hershey North American Final on Saturday, August 4 in Hershey, PA. Transportation, lodging, meals and activities, including meetings with Olympic athletes, are free to participants.
Hershey’s Track and Field is the largest youth sports program of its kind in the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of kids participate and compete each year for the chance to be one of the 480 athletes competing in the North American Final.
The committed local organizers in every state make it possible for kids to get away from the video games and onto the track, and to learn the rewards of a life of physical fitness. Hershey’s credo is that no matter how fast they run, how long they jump or how far they throw, every child is treated like a winner. Participation in the meet fosters family engagement, showcases kids’ natural talents, and teaches them teamwork, discipline and a healthy form of competition.
To sign up for events at the Seattle Games, athletes sign up on the day of the event at West Seattle Stadium starting at 4 p.m., or they can download the registration form here, and bring it with them to the event. Registration staff will need to see proof of birth.