Poem - Doggie Do’s and Don’ts
Fri, 05/18/2012
by Carol Smith
In my opinion none’s so fine
As one who sports the name canine
Until I step in the unknown
Because my lawn is now their throne
For parking strips are au contraire
To owners who let dogs repair
Back to the same spot on my lawn
Where now most of the grass is gone
They even use the lame excuse
Which smells much like their dog’s refuse
That since they walk and text as well
What Fido does they cannot tell
Well here’s a hint, when first the ground
Your dog sniffs and then turns around
It’s likely that he soon will stop
And more than just a shoe will drop
So walk you dog much as you like
Use parking strips and bags for Spike
And don’t forget at leashes end
You’ll never find a better friend!