Mickey Suwanchote was trying to work the Hula Hoop as his friend Mylai Bui tried to stop him during Summer Streets event on May 20 on Alki Avenue. The pair were working on behalf of the West Seattle Food Bank attempting to build the Healthiest Canned food Pyramid. CLICK THE PHOTO ABOVE TO SEE MORE
The Summer Streets event on May 20 was more than a little soggy as a steady rain fell which obviously dampened the turnout but not the enthusiasm of the participants who showed up to work booths, play music, and even enjoy a half court basketball game. The event, organized by the Seattle Department of Transportation featured live music, lots of information and a way to enjoy Alki Beach without driving a car.
The game the Herald had a chance to see was part of a tournament called Battle on the Blacktop. That game was won by the Pirate Boys over Enemy of the State 7 - 6.
The full schedule included everything from painting watercolors (easy enough when it's dry out) to learning how to stand up paddle board with the crew from Alki Kayak.