Sundays are for 5ks: Photos and results from the West Seattle 5k walk/run
Sundays are for 5ks: Photos and results from the West Seattle 5k walk/run
The West Seattle 5k walk/run kicks off on May 20. PLEASE CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE FOR MORE
Photos by David Rosen
Sun, 05/20/2012
Prior to the kickoff of Summer Streets on Alki (May 20), over 1000 people showed up for the West Seattle 5k walk/run, sponsored by the West Seattle High School PTSA.
Please click the image above for more
Here are the results:
Top Finishers and times
1. Kelly Spady - 16:56
2. Joe Sheeran - 17:06
3. Joe Creighton - 17:06
1. Lana Lacey - 18:14
2. Allison Camp - 19:11
3.Daniela Zeman - 19:28